
Under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFW), a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) may be required unless exempt.This document allows Canadian employers temporary access to foreign workers when qualified Canadian or Permanent Resident workers are not available, and ensures that foreign workers are protected. Once an employer gets the LMIA, the worker can apply for a work permit.


The TFW Program is comprised of 4 streams:

  • high-wage: in which the wage offered is at or above the provincial/territorial median wage
  • low-wage: in which the wage offered is below provincial/territorial median wage
  • primary Agriculture which includes the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program
  • global Talent Stream: for in-demand Information and Communications Technology (ICT) / Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) occupations and unique and specialized talent.

Note:The TFW Program is labour market tested and as a result, access to the TFW Program responds to changes in the labour market.

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